Putting The Men in Mental Health

TRIGGER WARNING (TW): The following article contains information about mental illnesses and self harm/suicide that may be upsetting to some audiences. As a result, this sensitive information would be written in red. Mental health is a critical component to the proper functioning of any human being. In other words, it’s make or break for aContinue reading “Putting The Men in Mental Health”

Are You Sabotaging Yourself Without Knowing?

“Self” refers to you while “sabotaging” has a meaning on it’s own. Using a definition of sabotage provided by the Cambridge dictionary, to sabotage means to intentionally prevent the success of a plan or action. Another definition provided by the Merriam-Webster dictionary states that sabotage is an act or process tending to hamper or hurt.Continue reading “Are You Sabotaging Yourself Without Knowing?”

How Does Unforgiveness Affect Your Blessing?

Have you ever been so upset with someone that it lasted for several days? Hey…maybe you still haven’t spoken to that person/persons (yes I see that long mental list of persons you consider dead)…how about that person you once trusted so much but now the mention of their name brings is a familiar taste ofContinue reading “How Does Unforgiveness Affect Your Blessing?”

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